Saturday, August 24, 2013

Just a quick note to say...

...I'll be back! The Past on a Plate will start back up this autumn. You may have noticed I've taken some time off from blogging and social networking. I needed to step back and evaluate how all that internet time was affecting me. I've decided to return to blogging and interacting with my blogging buddies because I've really really missed those two things, but I'll do much less on social media than I have at times in the past.

Paul and I are currently in the process of buying a house, which is very exciting and taking up a lot of our free time, but I hope to return to blogging in time for one of my favorite holidays, Harvest Home (September 22nd).*

Other than house-buying, I don't have any other news at the moment. How about you? Tell me what's going on in your world in the comments. Can't wait to hear from you!

*Check out my 2011 Harvest Home post!


  1. What's going on in my world? Just waiting to see when you're going to close!!!

  2. Yay! Missed your posts. Best of luck with home buying and moving!

  3. Congratulations and good luck with your home purchase! I look forward to seeing your posts in the fall. :)


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